What's 9o3o?
9o3o is an official (but experimental) online version of the Flashpoint Archive. It also serves as a test bed for the Ruffle and X_ITE emulators. Both the backend and frontend are open-source and can be found here.
Why are only some entries available on 9o3o?
9o3o makes use of open-source emulators for platforms supported by Flashpoint, of which there aren't many.
An entry isn't working!
The emulators 9o3o utilizes are still in development and not everything will run properly as a result. If you want to increase the chance that an entry will start working in the future, open an issue in the respective emulator's GitHub repository.
I have another question!
Check out the Flashpoint Archive FAQ.
I want to send a DMCA/removal request!
We try to respect copyright. Contact us.